Filtering Search Results

When the search results are displayed in the Symbol Search dialog, you can then filter the results. You can also remove some or all symbols from the search result set.

To filter the search results by exchange

With this filter, you can show symbols that are traded on a certain exchange (e.g. only NASDAQ listings).

▪       In the Exchanges list, click on the names of the exchanges that you want to include in the search results.

Note             Click on the name of the exchange, do not select or clear the check box next to it.

▪       The exchanges that you included in your filter are highlighted.

▪       The search results that are not traded on these exchanges are hidden in the results pane.

To filter the search results by symbol type

With this filter, you can show symbols with a certain symbol type (e.g. only stocks and indices).

▪       In the Types list, click on the names of the symbol types that you want to include in the search results.

Note             Click on the name of the type, do not select or clear the check box next to it.

▪       The symbol types that you included in your filter are highlighted.

▪       The search results that do not have these symbol types are hidden in the results pane.

To filter the search results by selection

With this filter, you can show symbols that have similar content with another symbol that you select.

▪       Right-click on a symbol in the column that you want to choose as your filter. For example, right-click in the ISIN column of a symbol.

▪       Choose Filter By Selection.

▪       The search results that do not have the same content in this column as the symbol that you selected are hidden in the results pane.

To remove filters

When you want to display all search results again, you have to remove the filters.

▪       In the Exchanges or Types list, click on <All> to remove exchange and symbol type filters.

▪       In the results pane, right-click on any symbol and choose Remove Filter to remove selection filters.

▪       All search results are now shown again in the results pane.

To remove symbols from the search results

▪       Right-click on the search result that you want to remove from the list and choose Remove.

▪       If you want to clear the list, choose Remove All. To remove all results except the one that is highlighted at the moment, choose Remove All Except.