Semi-Cup Formation


Function Name: SemiCupFormation

Tags: None

Category: Pattern

This algorithm identifies semi-cup formations (half of a completed cup, identified when the bottom of the cup is forming).

Note that an identified semi-cup may always fail to produce a completed cup. It should not be used as a mechanical buy/sell system or anything similar.



ShowGrid: Whether or not the grid will be displayed.

B0toB5ratio: Minimum ratio between closing price at B0 and B5. Recommended value: between 1.5 and 5

DX1min: Minimum value for directional index at B2. Recommended: 25

DX2max: Maximum value for directional index at B5. Recommended: 25

MinPeriod: Minimum number of bars in the pattern.

MaxPeriod: How many bars far back will the program look for a semicup formation


Source: Stocks & Commodities, April 2011: "Identifying Cup Formations Early"





Default Value: -1


Type: Boolean



Default Value: -1


Type: Boolean


Minimum ratio between closing price at B0 and B5. Recommended value: between 1.5 and 5


Default Value: 1.5  |  Minimum: 1  |  Maximum: 99999


Type: Numeric


Minimum value for directional index at B2. Recommended: 25


Default Value: 25  |  Minimum: 0  |  Maximum: 100


Type: Numeric


Maximum value for directional index at B5. Recommended: 25


Default Value: 25  |  Minimum: 0  |  Maximum: 100


Type: Numeric


Minimum number of bars in the pattern.


Default Value: 20  |  Minimum: 20  |  Maximum: 99999


Type: Numeric


 How many bars far back will the program look for a semicup formation


Default Value: 1000  |  Minimum: 100  |  Maximum: 99999


Type: Numeric