On the Subscription options sheet, you can see which symbols you are subscribed to at the moment, and can add or remove symbols. Only subscribed symbols are updated automatically in your documents when new ticks arrive. You can also change the number of decimal places that are shown for a symbol in TeleTrader WorkStation documents.

If the maximum number of subscribed symbols is exceeded, all further symbols will be displayed on the screen, but you will receive no new data for them (they will show up as unsubscribed symbols).

You can see how many symbols you are subscribed to at the moment in the subscription section of the status bar. The number will turn red when you have exceeded the maximum number of subscribed symbols: Double-click on the number to directly access this options sheet. See also Status Bar.

Note             You are automatically subscribed to every symbol that you open in a document. Close some TeleTrader WorkStation documents (for example price pages) to automatically unsubscribe the symbols contained in these documents, or use the procedure described below to manually choose which symbols you want to unsubscribe.

To unsubscribe a symbol

▪       In the Subscribed symbols list, select the symbol that you want to unsubscribe.

▪       Click Remove. The symbol is moved to the Unsubscribed symbols list. It will still be displayed in your documents, but will not receive new data.

To re-subscribe to an unsubscribed symbol

▪       In the Unsubscribed symbols list, select the symbol that you want to subscribe to.

▪       Click Add. The symbol is moved to the Subscribed symbols list. It will now be updated again when new data arrives.

Note             The button Add is only available when the number of simultaneously subscribed symbols (500 by default) has not been reached yet. Otherwise, you have to remove (unsubscribe) a symbol first, before you can subscribe to a new one.

To change the number of decimal places for a symbol

▪       In the symbols list, select the symbol for which you want to change the number of decimal places.

▪       Select Use custom decimals.

▪       Enter the number of decimal places that should be used for this symbol in all TeleTrader WorkStation documents.

Note             To use the default number of decimal places for a symbol, clear the Use custom decimals check box.