For each symbol that is shown in a document, you can also search for related symbols and display them in a price page. A related symbol usually has the same ISIN as the original symbol, and may have the same or a different symbol type; it may also be related hierarchically (for example, options for a stock / underlying for an option contract or index chain for a stock).

When you are looking at a news story where an ISIN is mentioned, you can also open a list of related symbols by clicking on it.

To open a list of related symbols

▪       In a price page, chart, market depth, time and sales, options matrix, quick quote or watch list document, right-click on a symbol and choose Related Symbols.

▪       Choose from the list which symbols should be shown:

<Name of related chain>

For some symbols, you can open a related chain symbol. For example, if a stock is part of an index, you can open the appropriate index chain in a price page.

Arbitrage List

Shows all symbols that have the same ISIN and symbol type (such as stock, future etc.) as the original symbol in a price page. The list is sorted by exchange – you can customize the order of exchanges under Tools > Options > Price Page > Arbitrage Lists (see Arbitrage List Settings).


Shows all symbols that have the same ISIN in a price page. This could also include other symbol types than that of the original symbol.

Symbol Search

Opens the Symbol Search dialog with the ISIN of the original symbol as the search term, and its symbol type preselected in the search settings.

All Options

Shows all Eurex options related to the original symbol in a price page.

Put Options

Shows the Eurex Put options related to the original symbol in a price page.

Call Options

Shows the Eurex Call options related to the original symbol in a price page.


Shows an arbitrage list of the underlying symbol for a Eurex options contract in a price page.

▪       A price page containing the list of related symbols will be opened. The price page is formatted with the default template.

To open a list of related symbols using a template

▪       In a price page, chart, market depth, time and sales, options matrix, quick quote or watch list document, right-click on a symbol and choose Related Symbols.

▪       Right-click the symbol list you want to use (or move the mouse pointer to the symbol list and wait for a moment) – an additional menu will appear to the right.

▪       Choose a template from the list.

▪       A price page containing the list of related symbols will be opened. The price page is formatted with the chosen template.

To open a list of related symbols from a news story

▪       In a news story, click on an highlighted ISIN to open a price page with an arbitrage list of related symbols.