In the same way as you can link charts, news, options matrix and market depth documents to a price page, you can also link them to the price page view of a time and sales document. Whenever you select a new symbol in the price page view of a time and sales document, all linked documents will also display this symbol.

For more information on linking charts, news, options matrix, market depth and quick quote documents to a time and sales document, see Linking Documents to a Price Page. The linking process is the same for price pages, watch lists and time and sales documents.

Note             Time and sales documents that contain a chain symbol cannot be linked to other documents. See also Displaying Chain Symbols in Time and Sales.

Row highlight mode in time and sales

The row highlight mode in time and sales documents is indicated by a red arrow in the row header of the active row in the price page view. In highlight mode, you can switch between symbols in linked documents by clicking on a symbol in the price page view or using the arrow keys of your keyboard.

In addition, the row highlight mode also means that only time and sales data for the selected symbol is shown in the time and sales view of the document. This means that by using the row highlight mode, you show only data for the selected symbol, both inside the time and sales document and in all linked documents. See also Showing Data for a Single Symbol or Multiple Symbols in Time and Sales.