You can temporarily disable alerts (deactivate them), enable them again or delete them. Alerts that are disabled will not be triggered, even if their condition is met.

News alerts and some time alerts are disabled automatically after they have been triggered for the first time. You can enable them if you want to use them again. For price alerts, only the price that has triggered the alert is disabled automatically (except when the mode of the price alert is set to Adjust when triggered, see Price Alerts). The other price (when set) still stays active. You can enable / disable the two trigger prices (=> and =<) separately.

To disable an alert

▪       On the View menu, click Alerts.

▪       In the Alerts window, remove the checkmark in the column On of the alert that you want to disable.

To enable an alert

▪       On the View menu, click Alerts.

▪       In the Alerts window, place a checkmark in the column On of the alert that you want to enable.

To disable / enable trigger prices for price alerts

▪       On the View menu, click Alerts.

▪       In the Alerts window, right-click on the column => or =< and choose Disable (or Enable).

Note             If you disable one trigger price (for example the => trigger), the other trigger price (for example =<) will stay active as long as you do not disable the whole price alert.

To delete an alert

▪       On the View menu, click Alerts.

▪       In the Alerts window, right-click on the alert and choose Delete Alert.