Apart from "normal" symbols, price pages can also display so-called chain symbols. This is a special symbol type that is in essence a pointer to a list of normal symbols of different types, usually a list of index constituents. The list of symbols contained in a chain is automatically updated on the server. This means that when for example some new stocks are added to the list of index constituents, the list of symbols will be automatically updated in the price page.

Chain symbols can also hold a so-called main symbol. This symbol is usually an index symbol (if the chain holds a list of index constituents). The main symbol is shown on top of the price page, separated from the symbol list by a price page header. The name of the chain symbol is shown in the title of the price page – chain symbol names typically contain a pound sign (for example, DAX#XETRA or INDU#US).

Note             Some chains do not contain a main symbol. In that case, only the symbol list is shown in the price page.

To open a chain symbol in a price page

▫       Use Symbol Search to find and open a specific chain symbol: See Opening Symbols from the Search Results.

▫       Type the ticker or name of a chain symbol (for example DAX#XETRA) into a price page (Smart Symbol Search) to replace all symbols that are currently visible in the price page with the chain: See Calling Symbol Search from a Document.

▫       Open a chain symbol that was stored in FastLook: See Opening Symbols from FastLook.

▫       If a "normal" symbol is also part of a chain (for example, a stock that is part of an index), you can open the appropriate chain by right-clicking the symbol and choosing Related Symbols > <Name of related chain>. See Opening Related Symbols in a Price Page.

To turn off automatic list updates for chain symbols

As already mentioned, the list of symbols which are part of a chain is automatically updated on the server. New symbols are added to the chain, other symbols are removed from the chain in regular intervals. If you display a chain symbol in a price page, the symbol list will be automatically updated after a server-side change. This means that for example you'll always get the current list of index constituents for the DAX#XETRA or INDU#US index chain in your price page. Those automatic updates of the list can also be switched off:

▪       Right-click in the chain price page and choose Automatic List.

▪       The check mark next to this entry disappears, and the name of the chain (for example, DAX#XETRA or INDU#US) is removed from the price page title. The symbol list on the price page is not updated automatically anymore, which means that you can add / remove symbols manually. The price page now behaves exactly like a price page without a chain symbol. Of course, quote updates for the symbols of the price page will still work.

Note             In some situations (for example, when you try to add symbols or change the sort order of a chain price page), TeleTrader WorkStation automatically suggests to turn off automatic list updates.

The following message is shown in that case: This operation will break the connection with the chain symbol for this document. Lists will no longer be updated. Do you want to continue?

Click Yes to turn off automatic list updates and complete the operation (for example, the new symbol will be added, the sort order will be changed), or click No to keep automatic lists updates turned on and cancel the operation (for example, the new symbol will not be added, the sort order will stay the same).

To turn on automatic list updates for chain symbols

Warning    This action cannot be undone. When you turn on automatic list updates, the symbol list on the price page is now updated automatically from the server. This also means that symbols that you have manually added are removed from the price page, new symbols might be inserted automatically, and a changed sort order is reverted to the default. Also, a different price page template might be applied automatically.
This command is only available for price pages that previously contained a chain symbol at some point, but where you have turned off the automatic list updates manually.

▪       Right-click in the price page and choose Automatic List again.

▪       The check mark next to this entry is shown again, and the name of the chain (for example, DAX#XETRA or INDU#US) is added to the price page title. The symbol list on the price page is now updated automatically from the server, and the appropriate price page template for this chain is applied if necessary.

To show and hide the main symbol of a chain

▪       Right-click in the chain price page and choose Show Main Symbol or Hide Main Symbol.

Chain symbols and price page templates

Whenever a chain symbol is added to a price page, an appropriate price page template is applied automatically. The template is chosen based on the chain type.

You can of course also manually apply a template when opening the price page: See Applying Templates to Documents.

A new template might also be applied automatically when you change the chain symbol in an already open price page document, or turn on automatic list updates for a price page that previously contained a chain symbol.