When you create a chart, default settings are used for the chart panes, price and time scales, the time series and other chart objects. You can change how the chart looks like, how much historic data is loaded and plotted for a symbol, what type of price scale is used and so on.

Most settings can be adapted in the Chart Properties dialog. Some are accessed by right-clicking on the chart and choosing a command from the context menu, or by using the Data View button  or a specific tool from the Chart or Drawing toolbars.

Note             To save and re-use the settings that you make for a chart, you can use templates. See Saving your Preferences in Templates.

Chart Properties dialog

The Chart Properties dialog lets you adapt the default chart settings to your needs. To display the dialog, right-click in the chart that you want to customize and select Properties. You can also hold the Shift key and double-click on the chart to open the dialog.

The dialog is made up of several property sheets. These sheets are arranged hierarchically into groups, that are displayed on the left side of the dialog as a tree view. The top group of property sheets is called General and contains the settings that apply to the whole chart, such as the appearance of the time scale or the data compression of the chart.

The other property sheets are grouped into panes, for example Pane 1, Pane 2 etc. Many settings only apply to a specific chart pane, or an object inside a chart pane. Depending on what objects and panes you use in your chart, different property sheets will be available. Chart objects, such as symbols and drawing objects, can be customized per pane. This means that you could have for example two chart panes with the same symbol, but using different colors or a different price scale.

The group Studies contains the properties and settings of all studies that are currently visible on the chart. See Changing the Properties of Inserted Studies.

If you want to go directly to the settings for a specific chart object (for example, a trend line or the price scale), you can right-click on the object and choose Properties to go directly to the property sheet that controls the settings of this particular object.

You can find an overview of the possible property sheets in the section Customizing Charts.

If you want to change several chart property settings at once, and immediately see the effects that these changes will have on the chart, you can click Apply in the Chart Properties dialog. This will apply the new settings to the chart, but keep the Chart Properties dialog open so that you can make additional changes. To apply the settings and close the dialog in one step, click OK (like in other properties dialogs).

Learn more:

Customizing the Time Series

Customizing the Chart Background and Headers

Customizing Price and Time Scales

Customizing Chart Objects