You can change the color and style of a Linked Parallel Lines and show the prices and line numbers at the reference points.

To change the line style of a linked parallel lines

▪       Right-click on the drawing object and select Properties.

▪       On the left side of the dialog, select the name of the drawing object, and then Line Style. For example: Linked Parallel Lines 1 > Line Style.

▪       On the right side of the dialog, adapt the default settings to your needs.



Line Color

Color of the line(s)


Line style of all visible lines


Width of the line(s)

To show the prices at the reference points on the chart

▪       Right-click on the drawing object and select Properties.

▪       On the left side of the dialog, select the name of the drawing object, and then Parameter. For example: Linked Parallel Lines 1 > Parameter.

▪       On the right side of the dialog, select Show Prices.

To show the line number at the reference points on the chart

▪       Right-click on the drawing object and select Properties.

▪       On the left side of the dialog, select the name of the drawing object, and then Parameter. For example: Linked Parallel Lines 1 > Parameter.

▪       On the right side of the dialog, select Show Labels.